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The best take away is Blockchain will drastically transform supply chain collaboration, reduce costs associated with various steps and increase visibility in the process to be reckoned as the disrupter in Logistic and Supply chain industry.
Sales Techniques are said to be in charge of developing new business opportunities and bringing in new revenue to the business.
As new technologies surface through innovations and inventions, it affects our daily way of life. This includes on the personal end as well as on the business end...
Lead nurturing, it is the process in which a relationship needs to be developed with the potential buyers at every stage of the customer journey, throughout the funnel...
Customer Engagement is the significant part of any B2B market and therefore must be prioritized by every marketer to grow their brand image as well as their overall business...

The Top Trends

Stay in the loop with the latest trends in the industry that embraces your approach towards the ever-evolving world of technology and innovation.

Generative AI

Generative AI is the new buzz in the industry, adopted by billions. It can simply automate and accelerate routine tasks by tapping into the deep learning models, enabling creation of content in different forms, such as text, audios, videos and images.

Quantum Technology

Quantum technology works on the principle of quantum mechanics. Holds an exceptional superpower leading to an increase in computational performance for solving complex problems that are deemed unsolvable with conventional computers.


Web3 – third generation of World Wide Web, is the next replication of the internet world! It aims to create decentralized data ownership, control and protocols. Web3 technology incorporates concepts like blockchain, token-based economics and more.

Edge Computing

An emerging computing paradigm that involves bringing the data storage closer to the data source. This facilitates strong business benefits such as higher response times, improved bandwidth availability and more. Edge computing stands as the top trend to watch out today and beyond.

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