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Cloud Migration Benefits


Top 8 Benefits of Cloud Migration

Data in today’s time has proven to be one of the most important aspects of every business model, hence can’t be ignored. With companies focussing more on obtaining quality data, the costs related to it definitely rose up, putting a lot of burden on the companies.

Major issues among maintaining data on-premises were related to cost. The cloud technology helped the corporate world to reduce their costs and eliminate other issues that were proving to be the burden in their daily ongoing operations.

Some of the Key Statistics for Cloud Migration

Some of the biggest tech companies like Amazon (AWS), Microsoft (Azure), and Google Cloud Platform in the world have shifted since long to cloud services.

  1. 60% of the workload is going to be shifted to the clouds by 2021.
  2. Amazon Web Services is the leader in the cloud services market with more than 30% share.
  3. Global cloud markets are expected to be reaching to USD 500 billion by 2023.
  4. Infrastructure spending on cloud technology has surpassed more than USD 80 billion in 2018.

8 Key Benefits of Migrating to Cloud

Cost Reduction

Cost happens to be the most important issue in the business which can’t be ignored. With the majority of the data getting transferred to cloud the hardware cost got minimized which eventually helps the organizations to reduce their operational costs.

Time-saving for IT team

IT professionals are the ones responsible for the execution of strategies in an efficient manner but if they spend more time on troubleshooting rather than be part of actual development & strategic process that will be nothing but wastage of talent.

With the migration of maximum operations to the cloud, IT teams get unburdened from these tasks and are able to focus on much more important issues.

Data protection

Data needs to be protected as it has proved to be the backbone of every organization.

Earlier it was the only option with the companies to have a server room and take care of the data from the same but it was not safe as any disaster would result in complete scrapping of data and leave companies back to square one.

But with the cloud technology companies can have fewer worries about it, since the data here won’t be something which will be dependent upon hardware for its existence.

Global connectivity

With the necessary working data available and easily accessible from any part of the world, the employees are now able to perform the task from whatever the location they might be. So, with the implementation of the cloud, work would never halt.

Datacenter reduction

Operating multiple data centers were once the need of the companies which usually resulted in a lot of investment to the companies but nowadays with the help of the cloud, there’s no need of investing much into multiple data centers.

It now completely depends on the strength of an organization or any specific case they might behandling. In some cases, even a single one might do. Thereby helping in reducing expenditure.

Making merger and acquisitions easy

Mergers and acquisitions can be very beneficial for the growth of the business but with such advantages comes to some disadvantages as well.

Transferring the data from one system to another in compliance with the new acquisitions model can be frustrating as well as time-consuming.

But with the data available in the cloud the transfer of the data becomes much faster and much easier without compromising on the regular work.

Go Green

Running large server rooms and data centers will surely consume a lot of energy. This mostly happens with larger companies.

With cloud-based infrastructure, you need not waste a lot of energy on the same. Thus you can expect your company to contribute to a greener planet.

Upscale and downscale options

By opting for the cloud infrastructure companies have the option of scaling up or down, the operational and storage needs of their IT needs.

5 Key Steps for Cloud Migration

Going through the above points, it’s pretty clear that storing your data on the cloud is beneficial in every which way with little to no cons.

If you’re convinced that migrating to the cloud is the way ahead for you, then see below the steps which will help you with swift cloud migration.

Planning a strategy

While migrating, the main focus should be on KPI (Key Performance Indicators). This will help in better evaluation of issues as to whether or not your migration is successful.

What workload needs to be migrated

The main purpose of the migration to the clouds is to save costs and complexities. So while migrating to the cloud, organizations need to make sure as to which particular set of data, they are willing to migrate to the cloud.

Determine the nature of migration

The migration has to be done in such a manner that it does not affect your daily routine work. Operation continuity shouldn’t get compromised in the overall process.

Choosing the right partner

Cloud migration is not an easy task as it involves a lot of complexities. While choosing our cloud migration partner we need to make sure whether or not it has the due experience, what level of support it provides etc.


Once all the processes have been done properly, it now needs to be monitored for issues that might crop up due to the migration of data over the cloud.

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