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Extended Reality Definition and Purpose


Extended Reality (XR): Definition and Purpose

What is Extended Reality? We have heard about Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality. So, what exactly is Extended Reality? Is it different from other technologies?

Just Imagine the future world like you are in 2040. The world where Extended Reality has advanced and the physical and virtual world is merged together. We can do anything and go anywhere across the world virtually. Extended Reality includes all technologies that combine the virtual and real world together with the help of computer technology.

Extended Reality (XR): Definition and Purpose

What is Extended Reality (XR)?

Extended Reality is the collection of all immersive technologies.  Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality, and Mixed Reality all these technologies fall under the Extended Reality (XR) umbrella.

In other words, Extended Reality is a term encircles or combines the real world and virtual world together. To produce immersive technologies some computer technologies or wearable devices generate this environment. To understand the meaning and purpose of Extended Reality (XR) we have to go through all the technologies that exist today.

According to the recent reports by Market Research Future(MRFR), the Extended Reality market value is expected to reach 393 billion USD by the year 2025. Similarly, the CAGR of Extended Reality will be 69.4% as per the reports.

Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented Reality overlays digital objects and information in the real world to enhance user experience. The digital details can be an image, text, or animation. You can enhance this experience by using AR devices like AR glasses or via tablets and smartphones.

The user can interact with and see what’s going on in front of them without getting isolated from the real world. The best and most popular example of AR is Pokémon Go. This smartphone application allows users to find and capture the character from their environment. In addition, the user has to turn on the camera of the phone, and on the screen, the character is visible in such a way that its looks like it’s in front of the user. Snapchat filter is another best example of AR where users can put digital objects on their face and head like hats, glasses, etc.

On the other hand, AR is also making progress in various sectors besides entertainment. Retailers, Manufacturers use AR technology for their industrial purpose.

Virtual Reality (VR)

As we have seen that in Augmented Reality the user can view digital objects in the real world and the user is not isolated from the real world. But that’s not the case in Virtual Reality.

In Virtual Reality (VR) the user is completely submerged into the virtual world. The user can have a 360-degree view of the virtual of like the real world. In other words, VR generates a simulated digital environment that feels like an actual world.

To experience the virtual world, the user must use the VR headset or a head-mounted display to experience the 360-degree view of the virtual world. For instance, the user can walk on the moon, swim under the ocean, or can step into another world.

The Gaming and Entertainment industries first adopted VR technology. However, several industries such as construction, healthcare, and the military have found the use of VR.

Mixed Reality (MR)

Mixed Reality is the latest technology which is also termed hybrid reality. It is the combination of Augmented and Virtual reality. In other words. It works with digital objects and real-world simultaneously. Users can interact with the digital object in real-time.

In Augmented Reality, users cannot interact with digital objects or the simulation. Whereas, Virtual Reality only deals with the virtual world. The main purpose of Mixed Reality is to achieve interactive experience over the real world.

Mixed reality is an advanced technology that requires an advanced MR headset and a processing power that is higher than virtual and augmented reality.

Microsoft HoloLens is the best example of Mixed Reality. HoloLens allows users to place a digital object inside a room in which the user is standing. After that, users can interact with the object and can move the object in any possible direction.

Working of Extended Reality

To achieve extended reality features, developers design the immersive algorithm for a better user experience.  Developers also require 3D models and advanced computer vision to create a virtual world.

Developers use C, C++, Java, Python, and Swift to create or design Extended Reality algorithms. With the help of AR, Developers use smartphone cameras to capture the surrounding environment. With the help of the AR technique, We scan the environment and overlay the digital object at a specific point.

To place the digital object in a specific location, developers use trackers such as GPS, infrared, and other sensors. With the help of AR, users can place the digital object anywhere but cannot interact with it. Therefore, we use MR in such cases where the user wants to interact with the digital object.

Virtual Reality gives a 360-degree view of the virtual world. It uses the user’s touch, sight, and hearing senses to provide an immersive experience. The VR headset must have the ability to influence the sensor of the user.

Application of Extended Reality

In this modern world, many industries have started using XR applications. Here are some examples of XR applications.


The entertainment world was the first to adopt the XR experience. Users can now enjoy the 360-degree view experience of their favorite sports and music events with the help of VR headsets.

Today, movie theatres use VR technology to attract the audience for 3D and 4D video experiences.

Similarly, the gaming sector is using Extended Reality on a major scale. There are many Virtual games that users play with their VR headsets and other devices.


Healthcare practitioners use XR to visualize complex procedures. XR also helps surgeons to plan the surgery. They can have a full visual of the internal body with the latest technologies and will help to solve complex cases.

Education and Training:

There are some training that has a high risk in real life. For instance, for new aviation students is hard to train them with real planes. Therefore, Aviation companies create a virtual simulation to train the new students. Without any severe risks, they can learn how to fly a plane.

Today, even driving schools use virtual simulation to teach driving skills to people.


Customers today have the ability to try the product online before buying it. This helps a lot of customers to choose their product easily. For instance, you can now buy goggles online by simply tapping on them and you can use your front camera to see how does it look on you.

Many furniture companies use XR technology. Customers can have a 3D model on their app and they can try the furniture into their room to see how it looks in the particular area.

Real Estate:

Tenants and buyers have to visit the location to check the property before buying it. But in some cases, the buyer can be far away from the location to visit. Therefore, XR offers a virtual experience of the property for the buyer so they can have a view of the property virtually.


Extended Reality has become a popular topic in the tech world. Similarly, it is easier to understand and useful for many industries. It has a combination of all immersive technologies like VR, MR, and AR. With the help of XR, users can view and interact with digital objects in the real world. XR is going to change the future of technology.

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