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How to step up your SEO Game in 2023?
How to step up your SEO Game in 2023?

With Google changing the rules of SEO game and making constant algorithm changes every few months, learning how to optimize your website may sound overwhelming, especially if you are a SMB.

So how do you keep up with the SEO game in this ever-changing environment?

Below are some SEO tips and tricks to optimize your website like a pro:

  1. Find an Opportunity Keyword: Keywords with an organic, high click-through rate is referred to as an opportunity keyword. Keyword optimization accounts for an integral part of increasing your website traffic.
  2. Analyze Google’s First Page: After finding the opportunity keywords, it’s time to check what is already working for that particular keyword. Scan the top 9-10 results and see if there is any pattern. You can follow a similar pattern for your own page to increase the ranking.
  3. Content creation: When it’s time to create content you have 2 options; either to make it different or to make it better than the rest. This strategy will help your content to stand out.
  4. Add a Hook: You need backlinks for your page if you want it to get a better rank in 2023. For this, you need to figure out why people link to content in your sector/industry. Afterwards, you can include that “hook” within your content. These hooks can be statistical; it can include new strategies and approaches as well.
  5. Optimize for On-Page SEO factor: You need to optimize the keywords of your content for a good ranking. The top three on-page SEO strategies that can work best for you are Internal linking, short keyword-rich URLs and semantic SEO. Find words that are related to your target keywords and then use those terms in your content.
  6. Optimize For User Intent: When conducting a search in a search engine, User intent (or what the user is looking for) plays a significant role in your search engine optimization and conversion rate optimization. You can include the optimized keywords in your content, which links up to the title that the users are looking for.
  7. Make Your Content Look Awesome: Make your content more readable for the users by increasing the readability. Forming shorter sentences, including more transition words, using headings/sub-headings and sentences with active voice, help in improving the readability of your content.
  8. Increase your Domain Authority: This is the super hack for ultimate search engine optimization. You can increase your domain authority with content partnerships, by publishing studies, data, guest posts, interviews and round up posts as well.

You have to maintain your rankings because they can be short-lived. In other words, you have to get your name out there, and the links will follow.

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